Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Patch Released for Mario Kart 7

Nintendo has released a new 3DS patch for Mario Kart 7. It fixes a major glitch that was found in Maka wuhu, where racers online skip half of the course and get a huge advantage over the other players. This has been a major problem with many players around the world right now for those who don't know how to do it. Because of that, All Mario Kart 7 owners must update before they can play online. It's now available in the Nintendo eShop.
"In order to use online services, a newer version od this software is required. Download the newest version of this software from the Nintendo eShop or other supported software" ~Nintendo
Update: The patch also includes exploit fixes in Wuhu Loop and GBA Bowser Castle. (thanks to the Anonymous comment for bringing it up)


  1. It also fixes exploits in wuhu loop and gba bowser castle

  2. Wery nice game, this my favorite game,
    More games
